Thursday, February 26, 2009


One thing that has occurred since my son started to enjoy watching cartoons; was that we are watching a lot more than I had in many years. The fun part of this is discovering shows that I never watched before that make our whole family laugh. One of those shows is VeggieTales, if you never seen VeggieTales I highly recommend it. It's really creative, funny and they are always pointing their lessons back to the Bible. Here is a short clip, one of the funnier ones...

Now with getting to know VeggieTales I decided to read the biography of one of the creators of the show Phil Vischer, its called My, Myself and Bob. Phil has an incredible story of creating VeggieTales watching it have immense success and then watching it fall all the way to bankruptcy. VeggieTales is actually own now by a large media company. Watching Phil struggle through the his book was difficult because he was attempting to do something great for God, impact children and youth with a great cartoon that emphasized Christian ideas, especially that "God made you special and he loves you very much" (this is said at the end of every show). He thought that he was following God and pushing into his calling and then it all fell apart.

Near the end of the book, Phil writes about what God taught him through taking away his dream (creating a cartoon to reach youth). One quote that really caught my attention was this, "He who has God plus many things has nothing more than he who has God alone" - C.S. Lewis. Wow, its especially eye catching when its written like this, "He who has God plus an amazing ministry impacting millions of lives around the world has nothing more than he who has God alone", that idea has really set me back. I want to be in a place where I can believe that on a daily basis where its not about what I do, is about God and my relationship with Him and that alone is enough. Thanks Phil

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