Friday, July 24, 2009

Flag Football Week & Drama Performance

Week 4 ended really well at arts camp the youth performed two plays. The younger group performed The Grouchy Ladybug and the older group performed a scene from Hamlet. It was really neat to see the youth perform, especially when I know how difficult it is to get in front of a group of people and speak.

Flag football went well too, while the week seem to turn into a week of Shark and Minnows (a game of tag) with football flags, the youth really enjoyed it. Flag football week seemed to give us more of an opportunity to talk about sportsmanship and how we treat our teammates and our opposition. Unfortunately this is a tough road because most of the examples that the youth are seeing through professional sports are setting poor examples of sportsmanship.

During the week we talked them about the importance of letting wins and losses go after the games were over. We also talked a lot about the line between being competitive and being angry, which I have fallen on the wrong side of many times. Also, encouraging the youth to encourage their teammates and their opponents instead of tearing them down.

Definitely a challenging road but an important one.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 3 & Lacrosse

This week was bittersweet for me. Lacrosse has become my favorite sport over the past few years and I really enjoy teaching it to the youth. Since we started the sports camp in 2004 it has been a dream of mine to start a lacrosse team in Ambridge. Until recently the sport of lacrosse didn't exist in Beaver County, where Ambridge is located. I was hoping that this week would be another opportunity to increase the visibility of the sport with the youth here. But as the week went on I felt that God wanted me to let go of this dream to start a lacrosse team in Ambridge.

So, as I was saying it was definitely bittersweet, several of the youth really enjoyed the week and want a team here but I know that I need to let go of it. One quote that struck me as I was going through this week was this, "if God gives you a dream, and the dream comes to life and God shows up in it, and then the dream dies, it may be that God wants to see what is more important to you - the dream or him." That quote is from Me, Myself and Bob by Phil Vischer.

As I looked at my life recently, I have really desired to be known as a lacrosse coach. But, God desires me to be His first, for me to be know as a Christian, a follower of Christ. I hope that I can begin to desire again to be His first and let go of things that keep me from being who God wants me to be.