Friday, January 16, 2009

Faith and staying

Since my last post, we have had a difficult season. My wife and I who have been attempting to live on the support of our donors, looked at our financial numbers and knew things needed to change. From about April of 2008, I have been applying to jobs and not until recently have I felt peace about what I am about to write.

We are staying in Ambridge, not because I found a great job, not because we got enough donations, but because we can't run away from God's calling on our lives to this place. We love it here, we love our church, we love our friends, we love the youth and the challenges our ministry brings. With all of this God continues to place a burden on our hearts for the youth of Ambridge and we can't run away from that.

As I was thinking about what to say I remembered one of my favorite movies "Field of Dreams", there is a scene in the movie where Ray (Kevin Costner) is faced with making a decision about the field and his home.

I see a lot of similarities between Ray's decision and ours. We need people in our lives (like James Earl Jones in the clip) to say keep going, its worth it, even though things look bad now it won't always be this way.

Peace to you guys as you strive to stay or leave and go where God is calling.


Hines Family said...

Kids will come, Geisberts. Kids will come.

And God will provide.

david dickinson said...

I was so sad you were leaving.
and I am so excited you're not.