Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ambridge Lacrosse

Well it happened. This past week we had our first practice of lacrosse for our 5th - 8th grade team. It was a lot of fun getting out there and actually practicing. We have about 13 boys who are on the team and we'd love to have a few more, especially once we start playing games. A couple of crazy things have occurred to make this team happen. First off probably a year and half ago I was given 20 used lacrosse helmets from an anonymous donor, many of the youth on our team will wear these helmets. Secondly, the Ambridge Borough allowed us usage of field space. If you have ever been to Ambridge you'll notice there aren't very many grass areas to have a lacrosse practice on and thanks to the Borough we have one. Thirdly, the Ambridge Area School District allowed us to distribute flyers about the lacrosse team in all the elementary schools and the junior high, which gave us a team of youth whom many I have never met before. (This is surprising with the hundreds of youth we have had at sports & arts camp). Lastly and very importantly, one of the sports camp coaches from this past summer has volunteered to help me with coaching and he has a ton more playing experience than I do, which I am very grateful for. It has been great to see this all finally come together after years of attempts but there are still a few things we need...

an adequate goal, several sets of pads and a few smaller sized helmets. If you'd like to partner with us and be a part of our team you can donate lacrosse equipment or give financially. Please let me know if you'd like to help us out at

By the way we are the Ambridge Warriors, Go Warriors! (the youth chose the name)