Thursday, October 25, 2007

Moving on up...

The past few months have been challenging and good. Ambridge Sports and Arts Camp has moved to Rock the World, where it began 3 years ago. Soon we'll have some updates on their web-site .

We are very excited about the possibilities of moving to RTW as we will be in an incubation period for a season or two, in an attempt to prepare us to become our own non-profit in the future. We are looking forward to the mentoring we will receive from RTW. Over the past few weeks we have been speaking to several groups of people about supporting us and volunteering with us during the summer. Those meetings and conversations have been extremely helpful to us in continuing our ministry here. I am also continuing to pursue creating a lacrosse team here in Ambridge.

Continue to pray for us especially for vision for this community and how God can best use us here.